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Terms and Conditions
UPDATED: March 2024
1 NAME AND AFFILIATION ........................................................................................................2
2 KEY AIMS AND OBJECTIVES ..................................................................................................2
3 PREMISES....................................................................................................................................2
4 COLOURS ....................................................................................................................................2
5 MEMBERSHIP .............................................................................................................................2
6 MANAGEMENT AND COMMITTEES ......................................................................................4
7 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING ................................................................................................5
8 BANK ACCOUNT........................................................................................................................6
9 EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING...............................................................................6
10 SUBSCRIPTIONS.....................................................................................................................6
11 DISCIPLINE..............................................................................................................................6
12 CLUB OFFICIALS – ROLES & RESPONSBILITIES.............................................................8
13 DISSOLUTION.......................................................................................................................10
1.1 The name of the Club shall be Fleet Cricket Club hereinafter called “The Club”. The
Club shall be affiliated to the Hampshire Cricket Board, Hampshire County Cricket
Club, the Cricket Club Conference and the England and Wales Cricket Board.
2.1 Fleet Cricket Club is committed to supporting the principle and practice of equity in
sport as defined by the ECB.
The main purposes of the club are to provide facilities for and to promote participation
in the amateur sport of cricket
2.2 No playing member, volunteer or official will receive less favorable treatment on the
grounds of age, gender, parental or marital status, colour, race or ethnic origin, creed,
disability, social status or sexual preference or will be disadvantaged by conditions or
requirements that cannot be shown to be relevant to performance.
Child Protection
2.3 Fleet Cricket Club is fully committed to and will adopt and implement the ECB Safe
Hands – Cricket’s Policy for Safeguarding Children and any future versions of this
policy. The Club will have a separate club safeguarding Policy Statement, as required
by the ECB.
2.4 The Club shall adopt and implement the ECB Anti-Discrimination Code of Conduct
and any future versions of this policy.
2.5 Fleet Cricket Club is committed to achieving and maintaining Clubmark Accreditation.
This Sport England initiative requires standards to be demonstrated in the following
• Child Protection
• Coaching and competition
• Sports equity and ethics.
• Club management.
Laws of Play
2.6 The Laws of cricket as laid down by the Marylebone Cricket Club shall be adopted.
3.1 The Club premises shall be the cricket square and outfield, the pavilion and adjoining
premises. All of which are vested in the Trustees, together with such other property as
may be vested in the Trustees from time to time.
4.1 The Club colours shall be black, Cherry Red and Silver
5.1 Membership of the Club shall be open to anyone interested in the sport on application
regardless of sex, age, disability, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, religion or
other beliefs, except as a necessary consequence of the requirements of cricket.
The Club may have different classes of membership and subscription on a non
discriminatory and fair basis. The Club will have an equitable pricing policy and will
keep subscriptions at levels that will not pose a significant obstacle to people
The club committee may refuse membership, or remove it – only for good cause such as
conduct or character likely to bring the club or sport into disrepute. Appeal against
refusal or removal may be made to the members.
5.2 The level of subscriptions will be decided by the Committee from time to time and
notified to the members.
5.3 Application for membership of the Club shall be by completion of a membership
application/registration form or online registration to Club’s membership system.
5.4 Membership of the Club shall consist of the following categories:
5.4.1 President
In the case of a non-member being elected, automatic Ordinary Membership shall
5.4.2 Ordinary
This category, being a full Senior playing member or one parent of a full Junior
playing member
5.4.3 Honorary Life Member
Proposed by the Committee. In the event of a non-member being elected automatic
Ordinary Membership shall apply.
5.4.4 Honorary Life Vice-President
Proposed by the Committee. In the event of a non-member being elected automatic
Ordinary Membership shall apply.
5.4.5 Social
Non playing member and family members of Ordinary or Junior members
5.4.6 Family
The family members of a Junior or Senior Playing Member, who shall be entitled to
Social Membership.
(Note: for a Junior Member, automatic Ordinary Membership shall apply to one
5.5 Membership of the Club shall be effective from 1 April to 31 March and where the
appropriate subscription remains unpaid at the 31st May, the membership shall
automatically lapse. All Adult Ordinary Members, being fully paid up at 31st May in
each year, shall be entitled to attend and vote at the following Annual General Meeting.
5.6 A list of Ordinary, Social and Family Members shall be kept.
5.7 It shall be a condition of membership that all members adhere to the Club’s Rules and
Bye-Laws, copies of which shall be prominently displayed in the club premises
5.8 Any member shall be entitled to introduce guests to the Club provided that no person
whose application for membership has been declined or who has been expelled from the
Club shall be introduced as a guest. The member introducing a guest shall be
responsible for his/her guest strictly observing Club Rules.
5.9 Officials and players of visiting Clubs and Match Officials shall be admitted as
Honorary Members for the day of the match. Such members shall enjoy the full
privileges of the Club, subject to its Rules and Bye-Laws. The club bar shall be opened
and used in accordance with the official granted licence currently in place and shall be
subject to current laws regarding age limitation on the sale and consumption of
intoxicating liquor. The area immediately behind the bar and the bar stockrooms may
only be used by authorised club members over the age of 18
6.1 The Management of the Club, and the making of bye-laws (not covered by the rules),
shall be vested in the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall consist of
the Officers listed below, who shall be Ordinary Members and shall be elected at the
Annual General Meeting of the Club. Each Officer shall serve for one year, but shall be
eligible for re-election.
6.2 The Officers of the Executive Committee shall be the Club Chair, Secretary, Treasurer,
Safeguarding Officer, Social Secretary, Sponsorship Secretary, Communication Officer,
Ground Manager, Club Captain, Fixture Secretary and Junior Chair.
6.3 Whenever an Executive Committee member has a personal interest in a matter to be
discussed he/she must declare it, withdraw from that part of the meeting (unless asked
to stay), not be counted in the quorum for that agenda item and withdraw during the
vote and have no vote on the matter concerned. Conflicts of Interest must be recorded
and minuted.
6.4 The Executive Committee shall meet at least four times each year.
6.5 The Executive Committee shall appoint a Club Safeguarding Officer to ensure
compliance with safeguarding legislation and the ECB Safe Hands policy. The Club
Safeguarding Officer shall be an Executive Committee member and report to relevant
Committee meetings and the reports, together with any action taken, must be minuted.
6.6 The Executive Committee may invite members of any sub committees to attend the
Executive Committee as deemed appropriate, for example sub committees for Junior
section, Club Projects and Social.
6.7 The Executive Committee members shall consider skills needed and diversity on the
6.8 At least three of the Executive Committee must be unrelated to each other and not cohabiting.
6.9 Accounts of Fleet Cricket Club shall be presented at the AGM.
6.10 Captains and Vice Captains shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting for a period
of one year but shall be eligible for re-election.
6.11 The Saturday 1st team Captain may also be the Club Captain.
6.12 The duties of each officer in 7(a), 7(b) and 7(c) are listed in the table at the end of these
6.13 The President shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting to serve for a period of
two years and shall be eligible for re-election.
6.14 The President may attend Executive Committee Meetings at his discretion but does not
have voting rights.
6.15 A quorum for an Executive Committee shall be four members.
6.16 The Executive Committee shall have power to co-opt any Ordinary Member of the Club
to fill any Committee position which falls vacant.
6.17 The Chairman of any official Club meeting shall have a second and casting vote.
6.18 The Executive Committee’s duties shall include the approval of the Annual Financial
and Rolling 5-year plan.
6.19 The Club shall have three trustees. They shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting
or special general meeting of members and shall remain in office until death,
resignation or removal by a resolution passed at a general meeting.
6.20 All property of the Club shall be vested in the Trustees who hold the property “for the
use and benefit of the Club, to deal with as the general committee shall, from time to
time, determine”.
The Trustees shall be indemnified against risk and expense out of the Club property.
7.1 A General Meeting of the Club (or the Annual General Meeting of the Club) shall be
held in February of each year on a date to be selected by the Executive Committee. Not
less than 21 days written notice of the meeting shall be given to all members and shall
specify the Agenda for the meeting. All fully paid up Ordinary Members shall be
entitled to vote.
7.2 The quorum at any Annual General Meeting shall be the lesser of 20 Ordinary Members
or 30% of the current Ordinary Members at the time.
7.3 An Annual Report and Statement of Accounts to 31st December shall be prepared by
the Committee and presented or circulated to members at the time of the Annual
General Meeting.
7.4 Any Motion to amend these Rules must be received by the Secretary, duly proposed
and seconded, not later than 28 days before a General Meeting.
8.1 Any bank account in which any part of the Club’s funds are deposited shall be operated
by the Committee and shall be held in the name of the Club. Unless regulations state
otherwise, all requests for payment of money from such accounts must be authorised by
at least two people, including at least one Committee member.
8.2 An authorised request for payment may be received via email, or through provision of
sufficient paperwork. In most cases, an online payment will processed by an authorised
person, having access and being a signatory on the bank account, otherwise a cheque
requiring 2 signatories will be issued.
9.1 The Executive Committee shall be empowered to call an Extraordinary General
Meeting on the basis of 10 clear days written notice being given to members together
with a statement of the nature of the business and any resolutions to be put to the
10.1 The annual subscriptions for all categories of membership together with match fees
shall be decided at the Annual General Meeting. The Executive Committee may, at
their discretion, adjust the amount of the subscription of any Ordinary Member based
on the number of games played.
11.1 Members understood to have acted in violation of any Club Rule or Bye-Law or in a
manner judged to be detrimental to the best Club interests may be brought before the
Executive Committee if, as follows:
11.1.1 This is requested formally in writing by any Club Member who must give substantial
reasons for his/her request.
11.1.2 It is thought necessary, after joint discussion of any such matter brought to their
attention, by the Chairman, Club Captain and Secretary.
11.1.3 In either case, the necessary Executive Committee Meeting is to be arranged with 14
days of the request.
11.2 The powers of the Executive Committee in such cases, when considered proven, shall
comprise the following:
11.2.1 Cautioning the member as to his/her future conduct.
11.2.2 Suspending the member for a defined period.
11.2.3 Suspending the member until the next General Meeting with a recommendation for
expulsion. This will require a majority decision at the meeting.
11.3 No case is to be taken as proven without the member in question having full
opportunity to speak before the Executive Committee.
The Following are the list of duties of the Club Officials.
Club Officials Duties
Chair - To act as the ‘figure head’ of The Club, for external
relationships, working alongside the Sponsorship secretary in
negotiation of external sponsorship.
- To chair the Annual General or Executive Committee
Meetings of the club.
- To ensure any decisions reached at these meetings are
carried out by those responsible in the timescale agreed.
Secretary - To carry out the day-to-day paperwork of the Club.
- To give the required notice of all Committee, ExtraOrdinary and Annual General Meetings.
- To take minutes at all Annual General or Executive
Committee Meetings of the Club. Minutes are to highlight
individuals responsible for ensuring agreed action is
carried out.
- To distribute Minutes within seven days after the
Treasurer - To keep a full record of all financial transactions of the
Club to enable a full audit of accounts to take place if
- To prepare Management Accounts for each Committee
Meeting and to prepare Management Accounts that can be
circulated to Members at pre-determined intervals during
the year.
- To advise meetings of any financial transactions
concerning the Club.
- To make arrangements with Team Captain’s to receive all
match fees with utmost expediency.
- To advise Team Captains of players who have failed to
pay annual subscriptions or any monies outstanding.
- To keep a full record of all financial transactions of FCC
Junior Section. (this may be managed by the Junior subcommittee and reported to theTreasurer)
Welfare Officer/
- To help safeguard young people by assisting in the
promotion and implementation of the ECB ‘Welfare of
Young People in Cricket’ policy at Club level.
- To be the first point of contact in the Club for reporting of
child welfare and protection concerns.
- To raise the awareness of all members to their
responsibility regarding child protection at the Club.
- To uphold confidentiality, as far as is practically possible,
in all child protection matters.
- To attend those courses as defined by the ECB as
necessary to properly undertake the role.
- To serve on the Executive Committee of the Club.
Club Captain - To be responsible for the welfare of the players of the
Club. To ensure the highest standard of cricket etiquette,
both on and off the field, and to ensure that all players do
- To act as the League Representative on behalf of FCC.
Fixture Secretary - To arrange fixtures for all senior Club teams
Social Secretary
and Socal
- Responsible for external hires
- To ensure that fund raising events are arranged during the
- Contact point for sponsorship enquries
Ground Manager - To be responsible for the maintenance of all Club premises
with the exception of the pavilion and connected
- To publicise the activities of the Club in the local press
and to other members of the Club.
- To be responsible for all communications both inside and
outside the Club.
- To keep an up-to-date list of all fully paid members.
- To liaise with Team Captain’s and Treasurer on new
members, paid up Members and Associate Members.
- To ensure potential new members formally apply To notify
successful applicants and request payment of subscriptions.
Playing Captains - To attend all Selection Meetings or to nominate, if
necessary, a deputy in his place.
- To ensure that he, or his nominated deputy, has written
confirmation of the previous weekend’s availability.
- To make all necessary arrangements for matches
- To collect all match fees
- To advise all potential new members to contact the
Membership Secretary.
- To provide match reports for the Communications
Vice-Captains - To assist the Captain in his duties.
Junior Manager
& Junior
- To organise fixtures for the Juniors, to select teams and
appoint Captains for each of the matches, and to arrange
- To keep a full record of all financial transactions of FCC
Junior Section and provide report to the Treasurer)
Project Manager - To manage Club related projects and form sub committees
as required
- To report/attend Executive meetings and provide project
updates as required
If at any General Meeting of the Club, a resolution be passed calling for the dissolution of the
Club, the Secretary shall immediately convene a Special General Meeting of the Club, as per
the Constitution, to discuss and vote on the resolution.
If at that Special Meeting, the resolution is carried by a Quorum of members, the Executive
Committee, with the Trustees shall thereupon, or at such a date as shall have been specified
in the resolution, proceed to realise the assets of the Club and discharge all debts and
liabilities of the Club.
Upon dissolution of the club any remaining assets shall be given or transferred to another
registered CASC, a registered charity or the sport’s governing body for use by them in
related community sports.
Not all Charitable Organisations are Charities.
Adopted at a meeting held 28th March 2024:
Name: … V Leavold (Treasurer)
Signature ……………………………………………………………..
Chairman of Meeting : M Bramah (Chair)
Signature ……………………………………………………………..
Val Pooley:
Maddie Watts:
Joy North:
Sam Evans:
Issy Bramah:
Frans Badenhorst